Cosmetic Dentistry in Collierville — A Beautiful Smile is Like Walking on Air!
Imagine walking out of our office with a healthy, perfect smile after cosmetic dentistry! Dr. Sneed has spent hundreds of hours in advanced training so she can offer cosmetic services, from tooth whitening to full mouth restorations (smile makeovers).
Collierville Porcelain Dental Veneers
There’s nothing more beautiful than porcelain veneers, very thin pieces of porcelain, custom designed and color-matched to fit you. They’re permanently bonded to your prepared tooth, and the result is a naturally beautiful smile – the one you’ve always deserved!
Dental Crown Lengthening Collierville
At times,the Doctors at Sneed Dental Arts may need to expose more of the crown of your tooth to restore it, especially if it’s badly decayed or broken, or to make more room to place a porcelain crown. She does this by removing small amounts of gum tissue around the tooth. Crown Lengthening is a minor procedure than can be achieved with local anesthesia.
Collierville & Germantown Gum Recountouring
The doctors at Sneed Dental Arts can make big improvements to your smile with very minor procedures. If you have a “gummy” smile, a laser can remove small amounts of gum tissue to reveal more of your tooth. There is very little soreness afterwards, and the healing time is short.
Filing a tooth just slightly can recontour teeth that may have a slight overlap, or be longer than other teeth. Tooth recontouring is also an excellent tool for adjusting a bite to lower the surface of the teeth causing bite problems.
Collierville & Germantown Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is another minor process that can make major improvements in your smile, largely due to Dr. Sneed’s artistic and technical abilities. Bonding uses a custom-colored, composite resin, applied in very thin layers that can cover badly stained teeth, lengthen a short tooth, or repair broken or cracked teeth.
Collierville & Germantown Full Mouth Restoration (Smile Makeover)
The most broken smile can be restored and made beautiful with a full mouth restoration. Also called a “smile makeover,” the process usually includes some form of restoration or enhancement to every single tooth in your mouth. It can involve crowns, implants, bonding, veneers—any or all of the services that Sneed Dental Arts provide! Call today to find out if a smile makeover would be right for you!
Collierville & Germantown Teeth Whitening Treatment
When you want a real lift for your smile, how about a tooth whitening treatment? A Zoom! in-office treatment will whiten your teeth up to 10 shades in just one visit! Or if you’d rather whiten at home, Dr. Sneed can give you prescription-strength Opalescence tooth whitening trays, the only physician-prescribed tooth whitening treatment approved by the American Dental Association.